We are looking to have our first In-Person Meeting in several years this coming October. We are polling to see if you, our members, would attend such an event. Please take the poll listed to the right if interested.
Some background on the event, our guest speaker would be Andreas Tanke from Germany. Andreas is well known for "L" number plecos and even has one species named after him, Panaqolus tankei! His other passion are the cichlids of the genus Apistogramma. Andreas has many talks we can consider ranging from talks on Cichlids such as Apistogramma, Loricariids such as Panaqolus, to importation of ornamental and aquaria from around the world.
We have a narrow time frame in which Andreas will be available. We are considering Friday evening, October 17th or Saturday afternoon, October 18th. Times are somewhat flexible however, the two dates listed are the only two available. Please pick the date that works the best for you.