Newsletter Chairman
Jeremy Bash - Gather or creates content and publishes CAFE newsletter every 2 months.
Newsletter Editor
Lindsey Basch - Assists Newsletter Chair in gathering and creating content, editing, and publication.
Member Liaison
Judy Auditore - Works to advertise membership and sign up new members or renew existing members (print applications, keep track of dues payments in concert with treasurer, etc.).
Welcome wagon for new members.
BAP/HAP Chairman
Paul Farler - Receives and tracks CAFE member BAP and HAP submissions and point totals. Keeps the BAP and HAP species and points lists up to date. Responsible for distributing awards at the end of the year for “Breeder of the Year,” “Horticulturist of the Year,” and “Rookie of the Year” based on the number of points accumulated at the year’s end.
Webmaster/Website Admin
Krishna Karri, Dennis Hanna - Responsible for the maintenance, updates, and improvements of the web pages and forum. Responsible for renewing/maintaining the hosting and domain name. May work with Marcy Design to help maintain the CAFE website.
Social Media/Publicity Chairman
Jeremy Basch - Responsible for maintaining the club Facebook page such as approving/removing posts, approving/removing members, creating posts for events, putting out ads for CAFE events, and seeking to get CAFE more widely known in Columbus.
Sponsor Chairperson
Open Position - Works to generate sponsors and donations for CAFE events and membership.
Survey Chairperson
Matt Volkman - Organize, determine and initiate surveys on behalf of CAFE and It's interests as well as data collection and interpretation.