I am Bringing on the 15th

Home Forums CAFE Auctions I am Bringing on the 15th

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  • #666
    Paul Farler

    This what I am planning on bringing at this point in time

    Mesonauta Festivus (Festivum)
    Pterophyllum Scalare (Koi Angelfish)
    Fundulopanchax Gardneri P82
    Betta Dennisyongi (Betta Rubra)
    Jordanella Floridae (Florida Flagfish)
    Aphyosemion Bitaeniatum (Lagos Red)

    Ramshorn Snails

    Hygrophila Polysperma “sunset”
    Najas guadelupensis (Guppy Grass)
    Microsorium Pteropus (Java Fern)
    Hemianthus Callitrichoides (Baby Tears tall)

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