CAFE has funded several projects through the years including the Running River Rainbowfish Project and Project Xingu. The Running River Rainbowfish population while displaced, has survived further upriver. Mark Sabaj was able to catalog the fish of the Rio Xingu in Brazil as part of the Project Xingu.
Click here to send a proposal for consideration.
The purpose of the Fund is to award financial support to activities deemed worth of assistance. These activities include, but are not limited to programs for species at risk, preservation of the integrity of cichlid habitats, restoration of cichlid species to their native habitats, and building capacity and long term management programs within the country of origin for cichlid species.
Click here for more.
The purpose of the CARES Preservation Program is to create a base stock of conservation priority species through encouraging hobbyists worldwide to devote tank space to one or more species at risk and distribute offspring to fellow qualified hobbyists, while forming an information network between aquarists, scientists, and conservationists.
Click here for more.
Please submit a proposal to: A board member will then contact you for details in order to present it to the board. You may be asked to make a proposal presentation to the board. We will be in contact with you as soon as possible once submitted. Thanks!